
Notification of Absence, Late Arrival or Early Dismissal

Please contact the school by calling (317) 843-9500 or emailing [email protected] no later than 8:00 am (Middle School) or 8:30 am (High School) if your student will be:

  • Absent
  • Arriving late (Middle school must enter through front doors after 8:10 am)
  • Leaving early (for an appointment or other reason)

Your student’s safety and security on campus are VERY important to us. We care about your student. If we have not received a notification from you, our staff becomes concerned if your student does not arrive or is missing from class. Please respond to all attendance inquiries as soon as possible.

School attendance is vital to the success of every child’s education. If your child is absent for more than three days, we ask that a doctor’s note is provided to excuse the absences.

Tardiness  due to doctor’s visits and other extreme circumstance will be excluded. Students must sign in with the front office upon arrival. Excessive tardiness and absences may result in disciplinary action or dismissal from the school.

Release of Students

The following procedures offer appropriate safeguards in the interest of the health and safety of our children during the school day as well as during after school activities.

  • At dismissal, non-driving students are released from school ONLY to their parent(s)/guardians or to persons authorized by their parent(s)/guardians.
  • Parent(s)/guardians must authorize alternate forms of transportation for their student in writing prior to dismissal.
  • In case of illness or emergency, a child is sent home only with a parent/guardian or with another authorized adult. Students who drive will be held at school until a parent or guardian permits an early release.
  • If a student must leave school during school hours for any reason other than illness, a parent or guardian must notify the school in writing as early as possible.
  • For non-driving students, parents pull up to the visitor parking space and call the school; the student will be pulled from class at that time. Parents and students who drive must sign out at the main office before being excused and sign in upon return.

Going Home Due to Illness

No student will be sent home from school for illness unless the school has first contacted a parent or guardian. The school must receive written permission from a parent or guardian for student drivers to drive themselves home. Students who leave school due to illness are not eligible to participate in after school activities that day. Students will be required to meet with individual teachers upon their return to collect missing work.

Staying Home Due to Illness

While regular attendance is necessary, if your child is ill, he or she should remain home, not only for his or her own health but also for the health of his or her classmates. Therefore, we ask that you not send your child to school if they have exhibited the following within 24 hours:

  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Pink eye
  • Symptoms of other communicable illnesses